Monday, April 25, 2011

Blanket Octopus

The Blanket Octopus. Words cannot explain. Not even the Fibonacci sequence can explain this wonder.

More here:

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Recently, with the preparations for the new house going full blast, I've developed an infatuation on beautiful 20th Century designer chairs. I've always liked good design in everything. Applied functional design has always been something I appreciate in furniture, and lately these designs have developed names. I found a picture of most of these sexy buttcatchers. Help me out, let's identify them. This is going to be fun.

Click and drag to reveal some of the names (I can only name a few.)

  1. ?
  2. Eames LCW
  3. ?
  4. Panton Stacking Chair
  5. Eames DSW (Eiffel)
  6. Corbusier?
  7. Barcelona by Van der Rohe
  8. Tulip by Saarinen
  9. Heart?
  10. ?
  11. Eames and Saarinen's "Organic" chair
  12. ?
  13. ?
  14. Eames Lounge Chair and Ottoman, Leather and Wood
  15. ?
  16. ?
  17. ?
  18. LCW
  19. Eames LCM
  20. Eames RAR
  21. Eames DCW
  22. Eames DAW
  23. Organic
  24. ?
  25. Eames Lounge and Ottoman
  26. I forgot!!
  27. same guy who made the wassily chair? Funny thing, no wassily Bertoia too!!
  28. Bigger Corbusier
  29. ?
  30. Saarinen's Egg
  31. I just read about this chair an hour ago.. curse my short term memory.
  32. ?
  33. Anton?
  34. ?
  35. ?
  36. ?
  37. ?
  38. is this the womb chair?
  39. Jacobsen's "Ant". one of the most widely recognized and distributed (and faked) chairs in the world.
  40. Swan
  41. same as 27
  42. same as 31
  43. Eames' La chaise
  44. ?
  45. Corona
  46. ?
  47. ?
  48. Eames Elephant
  49. LCW
  50. Bibendum 

Got a cool story to "chair"? (forgive the awful pun.) Chair it here! Maybe you have your own favorite, A story about growing up with a cool chair? A story about a one-in-a-million flea market find? Sonny and Chair, Chair bear stare, chairing the night together, etc etc etc


Monday, April 18, 2011

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Car Hunting

I know the house is going to be a pain in the ass (Because that's where my wallet is).. But it's also time to say goodbye to my trusted batcave car. The new car will be:
  • Fuel efficient
  • small
  • white
  • used
  • cold (a/c)
  • possessing decent audio
I'll be trading in my car. Goodbye sweet prince.
    *photo from autoguide

    Thursday, April 7, 2011

    photo by Phil Oh

    Japanese food isn't all about wagyu eat-till-you-barf, nor the smell of tempura oil vapor that clings to your shirt. It, like other cuisines distorted for mainstream appreciation, is a well balanced collection of simple dishes that are created to have a lingering effect of well being and harmony. 

    The zen philosophy of Japanese eating is summarized in the "five attitudes in the partaking of food." from Good Food from a Japanese Temple by Soei Yoneda

    •  I reflect on the work that brings this food before me; let me see whence this food comes.
    •  I reflect on my imperfections, on whether I am deserving of this offering of food.
    •  Let me hold my mind free from preferences and greed.
    •  I take this food as an effective medicine to keep my body in good health.
    •  I accept this food so that I will fulfill my task of enlightenment.

    I think our eating habits and the choices we make would change drastically if we abide by these.

    I, for one, will try.

    Speaking of try.. What kind of lens was used in the photo? I've tried taking table shots with a 50mm prime, but it's so hard to get close to the subject. Any ideas??

    Tuesday, April 5, 2011

    Five Cool Wristwatches

    1. Oris 7609- Groovy orange accents remind me of another diving implement.. The classic Nikonos V Dive Camera. It's big, heavy, and wouldbe more comfortable than you at abyssal depths.

    2. Breitling SuperOcean- This gargantuan Wrist clock is a testament to decades of craftsmanship. Brawny style that will never go stale.

    3. Tag Heuer Aquaracer- The first rule of Aquaracer is you must never associate your watch with Brad Pitt. Though he is a Tag endorser, You don't want to think of Brad whenever you check the time.

    4. Seiko SKX779 Monster- A truly monstrous Japanese watch. Not just for its size but for the angles and curves that give it a sort of Dystopian Future look.

    5. Chase-Durer SF- The only watch to wear if you fly an SR-71, a black F-111 Aardvark, Or the F-117 Nighthawk.



    This is what technology is all about. PVZ FTMFW.

    Have you heard of a game called hangtime? It uses the iphone's gyroscopic sensor to measure how long you can jump in the air. But ever since people discovered you can just throw your phone high in the air, iphone owners have been pushing the limits of sanity to get to the top score. The testimony of the highest scorers says it all. "My phone is ruined"

    Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld


    In this book.

    There is a photo.

    Of a kitchen.

    Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld

    Fw: Blankies

    I can attest to the sleepifying power of these blankets. The texture is a mix between terrycloth towel and heavenly clouds. They have a great comfort/temp range too, this means you can program your AC to switch off three or more hours before the time you plan to get up. Speaking of sleep, do you ever have vivid shopping dreams? The kind where you wake up and you're looking for your loot? So funny. Unless you were a serial killer, and you woke up looking for the children you abducted.
    Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld

    Monday, April 4, 2011

    Not Just for Saint La Salle


     I've made a decision to be as green as I can be.

    The new house will feature:

    • vermicomposter for organic waste
    • Solar Lighting for Nighttime
    • Segregated Waste Bins
    • Energy Saving LED's and CFL's
    • Timers for Electrical Appliances
    We'll do our best to watch our water consumption and whatever chemicals are dumped into the sewage. I'll make it a point to unplug unused electronics and chargers.  Do you have a green plan? Share it here!!

    Sunday, April 3, 2011

    I've None to Rest On..

    Laurel leaf
    In dire need of Laurus nobilis (Bay Leaf, Laurel) Seedlings.. Marcoted or otherwise.. A big plus if you've got some: Olive tree seedlings. We may be uprooting our Kafir Lime trees, but I'm not sure they'll make it. Trying to grow a mini-sustainable garden in what little land we have. If the trees show promise, larger scale growing could be my future.
    chinese food Pictures, Images and Photos

    My favorite Chinese Restaurants in Order

    1. Le Ching- Spareribs rice from the country's original French Chinese restaurant
    2. Far Eastern Mooncake Factory- killer dimsum and killer sanitation
    3. Spring Deer- Family Favorite
    4. XO kitchen- different dishes

    Least favorite: The restaurant that proudly displays its love for non sustainable shark finning. It doesn't prove you're rich!! It shows you're ignorant!! True riches show in one's knowledge and awareness.


    Cool weapon I saw at my in-laws. Is it actually modelled after a real ethnic cricket bat? Or just another made for tourist product like dick ashtrays and tacky shell characters? In any case, zombies beware!!!
    Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld


    Charles and Ray Eames?

    1. OMG they are like, the coolest designers ever!!! Are they brothers or cousins?
    2. Is that the blind piano guy?
    3. The lakeshore strangler?

    However you know them as, they sure made cool chairs. Great cause I'm on the hunt for cool chairs for the new house. An LCW, one or two Eiffels, a Lounge chair for my drum room, two Barcelonas and a stack of pantons for the drinking zone. Good times!
    Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld

    Saturday, April 2, 2011

    My good friend john came back from Taiwan with these pickled duck tongues. They look like small xenomorphs. Also, surprise surprise, they are supported by a thin piece of bone that looks like human phalanges. Which of the alien movies do you like best? Mine in order of awesomeness: 2,1,3, resurrection, avp and requiem. Serious sci fi buffs would insist that only 1 and 3 were faithful to HR Giger's designs, but the way 2 exposed the xenomorph life cycle and morphology makes it the best for me. I am a geek.

    Boy n da hood

    I love a nice industrial size hood in the kitchen. Make sure you use one.

    A good hood prevents the whole family from smelling like stew A DAY AFTER you cooked stew. It also keeps your house cleaner, as oil particles get airborne and stick to your furniture and stuff.
    Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld

    Ernst Haeckel's Kunstformen der Natur (1904)

    jellies Pictures, Images and Photos

    What an appropriate first entry.. My recent infatuation with the famous collection of works illustrating the beauty and symmetry and innate art in the structure of plants and animals. I downloaded a public PDF and browsed thogh what could be one of my favorite books of all time. The vivid illustrations are so in-your-face and out of this world, they remind me of the LSD art experiments.. LSD drawing experiment

    Like yours truly, Haeckel was a fan of Darwinian theory. Although I beg to differ when the topic moves to superiority or inferiority of one race to another. from Nick Matzke's blog:
    • Haeckel was an anti-Semite and campaigning biological racist
    • Haeckel was a strong, explicit promoter of eugenics
    • Haeckel was a strong, explicit promoter of morally radical atheistic philosophies like monism (Weikart makes much of the alleged overturning of conventional religion and moral standards in Germany)

    The Fuhrer has proven that all that theory is good for is hate and rationalized acts of evil. Also, I'm not an Atheist.. I believe in the existence of God and that He/She has a hand in Evolution and the existence of life as we know it. Creationism is one of the worst ways the Bible is interpreted. It's like reading Frost and thinking: "oh, so he stopped by the woods. and it was snowing". end of story, good lit just became boring.


    We evolved from apes. God caused it. Adam and Eve were the first to evolve. How else could you explain puppies? And BACON!!! Nice Book MF!!!!